.. _link-to-ANSYS_ACT_installation: =============================================== Installation of *Export for MORe* ANSYS ACT app =============================================== For MORe versions newer than MORe 4.1 the ANSYS export is handled using ANSYS ACT (ANSYS Customization Toolikit). Important: This only works for ANSYS Versions newer than 2019R1! For earlier ANSYS versions visit the tutorial. ------------ Installation ------------ The installation is carried out in in the same manner as any other ACT Extension. First, the corresponding wbex-file must be downloaded from the MORe customer portal. Click on *ACT Start Page* and select *Manage Extensions*, then click on the box with the plus-symbol to open the *Install Extension* window, then select the wbex-file. Alternatively, on the Workbench page, navigate to the *Extensions*-menu and select *Install Extension*, then select the wbex-file. .. image:: media/ANSYSACTStartPage.png :alt: act start page :scale: 75 % .. image:: media/ANSYSACTInstall.png :alt: act install :scale: 40 % -------- Activate -------- The ANSYS ACT Application needs to be activated in ANSYS Workbench. Click on *ACT Start Page* and select *Manage Extensions*. If the installation of the MORe ACT Application was successful, you can find it in *Manage Extensions*. To activate it, click on the grey triangle on the *MORe Simulations*-Extension and select *Load as default*. .. image:: media/ANSYSACTLoadAsDefault.png :alt: load as default :scale: 100 % After this, the extension will have a green background. .. image:: media/ANSYSACTLoadedAsDefault.png :alt: loaded as default :scale: 100 % Alternatively, on the Workbench page, navigate to the *Extensions*-menu and select *Manage Extensions*. In the *Manage Extensions* window, right click on the MORe extension and then select *Load as default*. If the activation of the MORe ACT Application was successful, you will have a tab on top called *MORe Simulation* including the *Export for MORe*-Button inside the ANSYS Mechanical application. .. image:: media/MORe_Simulation.png :alt: more simulations tab :scale: 100 %