*********************************** Thermal frequency response analysis *********************************** Qualitative measure of a system or device in response to a thermal stimulus used to characterize the behavior of a system. Thermal characterization of the transfer function response of the composition in frequency domain. ============== Axis positions ============== Define the position of the axis. Default is (0,0,0). ===== Loads ===== Open the load case container, where load cases can be defined (CTRL+K on load case to configure). ------------- Add load case ------------- Add a load case to the load case container. To configure the load case, click CTRL+K on the load case. ^^^^ Link ^^^^ Define at which entity the load is applied. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thermal load ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Define the thermal load that is applied to the system. Three types of thermal loads can be defined. ========== =========================================== Type Thermal load ========== =========================================== Convection Convection load applied to entity in [K] Heat flux Heat flux load apploed to entity in [W/m^2] Heat flow Heat flow load applied to entity in [W] ========== =========================================== ------------------- Add convection load ------------------- Add a convection load to the load case. ------------------ Add heat flux load ------------------ Add a heat flux load to the load case. ------------------ Add heat flow load ------------------ Add a heat flow load to the load case. ---- Hint ---- By right-clicking on the number in the first column, the load can be deleted. =============== Frequency range =============== Define the frequency range for the thermal frequency response analysis. ================ Number of points ================ The number of points defines how many steps between the minimal and maximal frequency are taken. ================= Start calculation ================= Start the calculation of the frequency response analysis. ============ Context Menu ============ --------- Duplicate --------- Duplicate the selected analysis. ------ Delete ------ Delete the selected analysis. ------- Move up ------- Move the selected analysis one step up. --------- Move down --------- Move the selected analysis one step down.