************************ Segmendted modal damping ************************ A machine tool can be described using equation [1], where :math:`M` is the mass matrix, :math:`D` is the damping matrix and :math:`K` is the stiffness matrix. .. math:: M \ddot{x} + D \dot{x} + K x = 0 \quad [1] Using the segmented modal damping model, the constant modal damping coefficient is applied for every mode below the maximum eigenfrequency given in the model reduction parameters of the reduced system. Between the maximum eigenfrequency and its doubled value, the modal damping coefficient of the modes increases linearly to 1. After the doubled maximum eigenfrequency, the modal damping coefficient of the modes is 1. A constant modal damping coefficient is applied until the maximum eigenfrequency given in the model reduction parameters of the reduced system. ====================== Constant damping value ====================== Modal damping coefficient for the modes in the frequnecy range from 0 to the maximal eigenfrequency in the model reduction parameters. =================== Reset damping model =================== Set the modal damping coefficient back to 0.01.