Transient mechanical animator

Shows and animates the transient result.

Figure panel

The panel can be used to customize the figure.




Reset the figure to the default view


Undo the configuration step


Redo the configuration step


Move the region shown in the figure




Define the general layout of the figure


Change the style of display of the output data


Save the figure

Figure window

Shows the selected outputs.


Select the current time step. The animation will show the deformation at this time step.

Show 3D scene

Open a new window where the modes are animated.

Start animation

Start the animation of the selected mode.

Stop animation

Stop the animation of the selected mode.

Reset view

Reset the view of the animation figure.

Component visibility

Select the components that are shown in the animation window.

Format description

Change the description in the animation figure. The default description is given in the following table. Manual values can also be added.




Display the name of the simulation result


Display the name of the evaluation


Display the name of the viewer


Display the current simulation time


Display the scaling (Only if no setpoints are defined)


Display the error scaling (Only if setpoints are defined)


Display the setpoint scaling (Only if setpoints are defined)


Select the output links that should be displayed.

Configure selected output

Configure the selected output.

Output type

Select the type of the output.

Selected entity

Select the link that should be displayed.

Selected DOF

Select the degree of freedom that should be displayed.


Scale the outputs.


Define a specific label to the output.

Line configuration

Change the color, line style and line width of the line in the figure.

Add output

Add an output to the result output container.

3D Plot outputs

Select the link of which the transient deformation should be tracked by a black line.

Export outputs

Export the outputs to a matlab readable .mat file.

Export animation

Export the animation in to a movie.

Start rendering

Start the rendering of the movie.

End rendering

End the rendering of the movie.


Define the saving location and the filename of the movie.


Define the number of frames per second.


Define the duration of the movie.

Max/Min val

Define the start and end time of the simulation.

Start val

Define the start time of the simulation.

Clip height/width

Define the size of the movie window.

Export plot animation

Tick if in the figure should also be exported into an animation, in addition to the animation of the deformation.

Animation delay

Interval in milliseconds between two frames.


Define the format of the movie. The possible formats are mp4, avi and gif.

Actual value

Shows the progress of the movie rendering.


Define the start and end time of the transient analysis.

Number of samples

Define the number of steps between start and end time for the animation.

Animation delay

Interval in milliseconds between two frames.

Actual value

Define the progress of the animation with a value between start and end time.

Scaling factor

Scale the deformation of the animation.

Error scaling factor

Scale the error between controller setpoint and actual value. Only visible if controller setpoints are defined.

Setpoint scaling

Scale the controller setpoint. Only visible if controller setpoints are defined.

Context menu


uplicate the viewer.


Delete the viewer.

Move up/down

Move the viewer up or down in the evaluation.