Transient analysis

Perform a mechanical transient analysis. Two different load cases can be selected. Either a force that changes over time is applied. Furthermore, also position or velocity command values can be used to simulated.


Open the load case container, where load cases can be defined (CTRL+K on load case to configure).

Configure selected load

Define and configure the load case here.


Define the direction of the force/moment. By entering 1 in a corresponding direction means that a force/moment is applied in this direction scaled by 1.




Force in axial direction


Force in transversal direction


Force in normal direction


Torque around axial direction


Moment around transversal direction


Moment around normal direction

Add component acceleration

Add a component acceleration load case. For example, an acceleration of -9,81 m/s2 in w-direction defines the gravitational force to the selected component.

Add composition acceleration

Add a composition acceleration. The acceleration is used for the whole composition and not for a component only, as in add component acceleration. For example, an acceleration of -9,81 m/s2 in w-direction defines the gravitational force to the composition.

Add controller command

Add a controller command load. Either a position or a velocity command value can be defined acting on the selected controller.

Add rail profile

Add a rail profile to a moving interface. This load adds a displacement between master and slave interface depending on the position of the carriage along the rail. The profile displacments are handled in the same manner as with link spacers (internal conversion to force & moment preloads using link stiffnesses). The corresponding displacement degrees of freedom will be equal to the input values only when no external load is present.

Average over car length

This option enables & disables the carriage length averaging. This affects the profile load’s normal translational displacement (in direction of the profile normal dir vector, see below) and the pitch rotational displacement (around the axis normal to the travel direction and profile normal dir). The behaviour is as follows:


Normal Translation Displacement Input

Pitch Rotation Displacement Input


taken directly from the profile value at the centre of the carriage

always zero (i.e., the resulting preload moment is also always zero)


averaged over the entire carriage length (using 20 sampling points)

derived using a profile trendline along the carriage length (using 20 sampling points)

Selected component and rail interface

Select the component and the rail where the profile should be added.

Profile normal dir

Define the normal direction of the rail profile.

Edit table

Define rail profile using excel or the table directly.




Click on Table


Right-click into newely opened table and click on Copy header


Open Excel and paste the header in a new sheet


Define the time steps in the Time column


Define the values at every time step in the Value column


Copy the whole table including the header Time and Value


Right-click into the MORe-Table and click on Paste


Click on Plot to check if table was copied correctly

Additionally, the number in Number of rows can be changed. This allows to directly define the transient load data in the table.

Important: The headers of the table imported from Excel have to match the ones given in the MORe-Table. Furthermore, tables that have more than 1000 rows can not be copied into MORe.

Import data

Import the rail profile from a .mat file.




Open matlab and define a vector of name or var which stores the time steps


Define a vector that stores the load data for every time step


Select both vectors and save them in a .mat file


Right-click on load_case_data and click on Import data


Select the .mat file


Click on Plot to check if table was copied correctly

Important: In the .mat file there has to be a vector called var, otherwise the import will not work.


By right-clicking on the number in the first column, the load can be deleted.

Solver configuration

Initial/End time

Define the start and end time of the transient simulation.

Solver type

Two different solvers are present. The default solver is radau.

Numerical parameters

Define the numerical properties of the solver.

Adding transient load data

By right-clicking on the transient analysis and by clicking on add load data the time variant load data can be defined. Select the desired load case in the Entity field. This load case has to be defined in advance. There are two ways of importing transient load data. For simple transient load cases the using the table more convenient. For more complex load cases use the import.

Using table




Click on Table


Right-click into newely opened table and click on Copy header


Open Excel and paste the header in a new sheet


Define the time steps in the Time column


Define the values at every time step in the Value column


Copy the whole table including the header Time and Value


Right-click into the MORe-Table and click on Paste


Click on Plot to check if table was copied correctly

Additionally, the number in Number of rows can be changed. This allows to directly define the transient load data in the table.

Important: The headers of the table imported from Excel have to match the ones given in the MORe-Table. Furthermore, tables that have more than 1000 rows can not be copied into MORe.

Using import




Open matlab and define a vector of name time or var which stores the time steps


Define a vector that stores the load data for every time step


Select both vectors and save them in a .mat file


Right-click on load_case_data and click on Import data


Select the .mat file


Click on Plot to check if table was copied correctly

Important: In the .mat file there has to be a vector called time or var, otherwise the import will not work.

Start calculation

Start the calculation.